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Nielsen recently announced that the majority of teens now own

On August 6, 1998 the first HDTV was sold in

Two great posts on the 50 (and 50 m0re) most

Get ready to hear a lot about 4K TV. At

I think Todd Taylor over at OPS Rules accurately captures

Chris O’Brien recently had a great piece in the Mercury

I’ve got a few big audacious goals I’m trying (and

I caught the recent story of a man arrested for

Google recently introduced Google Now – an app/service available on

Too often we approach to-do lists as simply tasks that

Two noteworthy pieces of new yesterday regarding the move of

A lot of ink is spilled on the ownership rate

A look at how some companies are leveraging crowdsourcing for

Over the last few weeks both Google (see Nexus Tablet

Often I see individuals talking and writing about adoption cycles

Several sections within Nick Bilton’s recent NYT’s article on the

Great Infograph on Frequent Flyer Traveling from the New York

Much has been written about big data (insert air quotes)

Second screen is today’s Wild West. It’s a nascent market

A few articles related to the move to a decade

Let's Frame the Future, Together