May 2013 Travel Log
Extremely limited travel outside of DC during May: 1 trip 3 airports (DCA, ALB, PHL) 3 flight segments 649 total miles 1 night in a hotel
The Distracted Mind
I’ve been meaning to write about these studies for several days – but I keep getting distracted. Read more about the impact of technology and distraction here and here.
Is Monetizing Content Getting Easier or More Difficult?
Is it getting easier or more difficult to monetize content? Conflicting signs abound. For the first time ever, traditional paid TV services experienced a net industry-wide subscriber loss over a four quarter period. For the 12 months ending March 31, 2013, the 13 biggest U.S. cable, satellite and telco TV providers lost roughly 80,000 subscribers. […]
Is Crowdfunding the Future of Curation for Local Events and other Programming Decisions?
The Smithsonian launched their first major crowdfunding campaign to support it’s first-ever exhibition on the yogic art. Crowdfunding is in many ways simply a way of pre-selling an offering. You can gauge interest before bring a product or service to market. You can go direct to the consumer and avoid being handicapped by lack of distribution. Moving forward I […]
Thoughts this Memorial Day
For the last seven years, we’ve had a tradition on the Sunday evening before Memorial Day. We start at the Tidal Basin and walk the monuments in DC. We first pass the WWII Memorial, then Vietnam, the Lincoln Memorial, circling through the Korean War Memorial, FDR and closing our walk at the Jefferson on the […]
Assorted Links and Thoughts on Second Screen
Most think of a second screen experience as one narrowly defined around viewing and engaging with content related to what is happening on a different (first) screen at the same time. Just see the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page for “second screen:” Second screen, sometimes also referred to as “companion device” (or “companion apps” […]
Contextualization through Adaptive Curation
I wrote early about the direction of curation and wanted to expand on this topic. Last week I heard Cory Haik, executive producer for digital news at the Washington Post speak the NVTC’s Destination Innovation event at which I was a judge. She spoke about and also recently wrote regarding what she refers to as “adaptive journalism.” […]
Assorted Links
IHS IMS Research predicts Google Glass will sell 50K units in 2012, 124K in 2013, 434,000 in 2014, 2.17 million in 2015, and 6.6 million in 2016. Forecast seems low in the near-term years and high for the further out years in my opinion. The Ten Commandments of sales from Dan Cole AT&T recently launched their home […]
This Week in Sensors
and a few articles I’ve missed over the last few weeks: Robots with odor sensors alert you to bad breath not exactly sensor related, but an increasing number of airlines are looking at charging passengers by weight. Samoa Air is already charging by weight. With the broad digitization of everything, one could imagine that in the […]
The Future of the Newspaper and the Modern Colonial Tavern
There has been much written about how digital is broadly changing news dissemination, but beyond simple replacement of the paper alternative and an acceleration of “news” to satisfy an always-on consumer, I think there is a deeper change afoot. Yes, “traditional news” is undergoing significant change through the direct and indirect influences of digitization – […]