The Changing Role of Consumer Tech Supply Chains

I think Todd Taylor over at OPS Rules accurately captures a few key points about the shifting of tech supply chain dynamics as the industry becomes decidedly more consumer centric. A more consumer centric supply chain means design cycles (both planning and production cycles) will be compressed.  I’ve spoke with phone manufacturers who want the entire design […]

Teaching Kids How to Program

Chris O’Brien recently had a great piece in the Mercury News wherein he referenced a few programs that help teach kids how to program – or perhaps it might be better said programs that help build a love and understanding of programming.  As the father of three boys I think frequently about the lack of programming […]

Accomplishing Your Big Audacious Goal

I’ve got a few big audacious goals I’m trying (and failing) to accomplish.  This past week someone emailed me an article with some tips on accomplishing those big audacious goals in our life.

File Under Digital Decade: The Evolving Role of Video

I caught the recent story of a man arrested for drug possession in Orlando.  Apparently police monitoring a live video feed sent officers to the scene who then made the arrest. In the accompanying video, one of women being interviewed about the role of video cameras says something interesting. When asked if it is acceptable […]

Google Now

Google recently introduced Google Now – an app/service available on android.  Essentially, Google Now attempts to predict the information you want. Standing on a train platform – Google Now will deliver up details on the next departing train.  If you have an appointment across town, Google Now monitors traffic and alerts you when you need to […]

Todo list: Errors of Omission

Too often we approach to-do lists as simply tasks that must be checked-off before a prespecified hour, day, or week closes.  More appropriately, it is often the tasks we don’t specify on which we should focus. Paul Graham makes this similar point in a great post.     Paul Graham makes a great point

Gaming Makes Digital Push

Two noteworthy pieces of new yesterday regarding the move of gaming to the digital decade. First, Sony announced they would be acquiring Gaikia, the streaming video-game service.  The second article was on EA’s full move to digital.

On Ownership Rates

A lot of ink is spilled on the ownership rate of devices, but often overlooked or at least underexamined is the average number of each device owned by households that own the device at all. While aggregate ownership rates speak to the adoption cycle, the number of devices owned by owning households have important implications […]