An Integrated Hardware/Software Approach

Over the last few weeks both Google (see Nexus Tablet and Nexus Q) and Microsoft (see Surface) have announced major hardware initiatives.  In both cases, these hardware initiatives have been primarily focused on the mobile/tablet ecosystem.  Even Microsoft’s recent software announcement – Microsoft SmartGlass – is targeting the growing tablet ecosystem.  Both companies are taking a more hands-on […]

Adoption Cycle v. Upgrade Cycle

Often I see individuals talking and writing about adoption cycles and upgrade cycles as one in the same cycle. However I think an important differentiation can be made between adoption cycles and upgrade cycles. 

Should Tablets be Considered Mobile?

Several sections within Nick Bilton’s recent NYT’s article on the changes underfoot at Twitter  makes me question if companies are approaching their mobile strategy in the most appropriate way.  Near the close of the article, Nick writes: 

Is Big Data a Bubble?

Much has been written about big data (insert air quotes) over the last 12 months and articles are now regularly showing up in mainstream publications (also see: Six Provocations for Big Data, IBM‘s Big Data landing page, and a couple of NYT articles from the past few months here and here). During a panel during The TV of […]

Will Second Screen Ruin the First Screen

Second screen is today’s Wild West.  It’s a nascent market with a ton of experimentation.  There are going to be a few winners over the next three years, but there are going to be even more losers as the market shakes out and consumer preferences firm. There’s been much written about ruining the second screen […]

Digital Decade – a few articles

A few articles related to the move to a decade defined by digital data. Digital Ad targeting a second article on Digital Ad targeting An older article on how digital data can linger.

The Danger of Data Overload

Came across an older article from the McKinsey Quarterly on the danger of data overload on the effectiveness of executives.

Stats: Global Digital TV

Some stats on global DTV from UK-based Digital TV Research. A few of the highlights: DTV is now just under 50 percent of global homes China is now the largest DTV market (22 percent of the world) Pay TV is in 50+ percent of global homes

CES as the Origins of Google’s Nexus Tablet

At their I/O conference this week, Google announced the release of their forthcoming Asus Nexus 7 Tablet which is available for pre-sale now and will ship mid-July. The forthcoming release has been well covered today so I’ll just highlight a few interesting points and discuss the potential motivation for launching a tablet device.