The Future of Curation

I’ve written about curation in the past. One of the keys to curation – one of the driving features to why curation matters – is discovery.  Curation drives discovery which drives more curation. The battle within curation today – and in the years to come – is how curation is done.  There are a variety of web services that empower the individual […]


Coverage in Fast Company about an exciting new section at the 2012 CES. See you in January.

What’s going on in 3DTV

A recent article in Home Media Magazine – citing research firm SNL Kagan – calls into question the growth rate of 3DTV: Sales of 3DTVs are projected to actually decline in 2011 as issues surrounding a universal standard, eyewear, dearth of content and price resolve themselves, according SNL Kagan. Principal 3DTV drivers include live sports and ongoing […]

Context and Curation are King

For far too long there has been an argument about what wins the day – software or hardware. As the argument goes, hardware is commoditized and software becomes king. I argue that context is king and in the end curation win the day.  Throughout the history of tech, the companies that have been able to create “something” from “nothing […]

Renting is the New Owning

Home ownership is still (mostly) in vogue. According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, 81 percent of current home renters still plan to buy a house one day – though the number of individuals who “strongly agree” home ownership is the best investment a person can make is just 37% compared to 49% when the question was […]

6 Rules of Life

One of the books I’m currently reading is Kiss It Good-Bye: The Mystery, The Mormon, and the Moral of the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates by John Moody.  The Pirates were a perennial cellar-dwelling team.  They finished last in 1954, last in 1955, second to last in 1956, and last again in 1957.  In 1960 they would make it […]

Understanding Diffusion – Where Major Research Firms Fail

I think a lot about how technology diffuses through a society. The implications of technology diffusion are more pronounced today than ever before.  Not enough diffusion of innovation modeling goes into the current thinking on device ownership and unit volume. More, large research vendors need to sell reports so they frequently release reports touting large estimates. It […]

On Parenthood – Money

We are still stumbling through this thing called parenthood and I wanted to reflect briefly on the topic of money. I find myself reflecting often on allowance, money, investing, delaying gratification, and entrepreneurship.  Some of the most important life lessons I learned from my parents covered these topics and I’m keen on passing on similar traits to my boys.  As a kid I use […]

Deficit Reduction

Deficit reduction is all the rage these days and as a result there are a plethora of (formal and informal) plans on how to address the rising national burden.  The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget recently published a comparison tool to help us mere mortals navigate 30 different plans. You can also look here for a printer-friendly […]