The Value of Freemium

Some facinating findings in some recently released data from Furry:

Games drive 75% of revenue among the top 100 grossing iOS apps and 65% of this revenue were generated from freemium games.

The average purchase from within free-to-play mobile game is $14

As the chart shows, 71% of all in-app transactions happing within freemium games are for amounts under $10, 16% are for spends between $10 to $20 and 13% are for amounts greater than $20.

Over half of the revenue from in-app purchases happening within freemium games are coming from purchases in excess of $20.

By the end of 2011, Flurry estimates that total U.S. iOS and Android game revenue will surpass $1 billion



While there is frequent discussion that studios and other rights

Pudits like to point to apps (and importantly the availability

An AP story from earlier this week highlights the work