What’s Next for Apple? – Six Places They Could Go

“What’s Next for Apple?” I’ve heard this question bantered about dozens of times over the last week following the release of Apple’s 1Q16 financial results. I wrote about some key take-aways from the quarterly financial results as I saw them here. The Apple iPod was first introduced in 2001. This really marked Apple’s return, the second […]

How Many Screens are there in the World?

Here’s my crack at estimating the number of screens in the world. We know the worldwide population is roughly 7.5B and I estimate average household size is 3.5  which gives us roughly 2.1B households in the world. The average US household has roughly 2.9 TVs on average, but the worldwide average is closer to 1.83 TVs […]

Quick Thoughts on Apple’s FY16 First Quarter Results

Apple released their FY 2016 first quarter results today. Here are the summary data and some updated charts derived from those data. Here are 10 take-aways: It was the biggest quarter ever for iPhone unit volume (74.779M). The trailing twelve months (TTM) for iPhone unit volume is slightly above 4Q2015 and also the highest it has ever been. […]

The Law of Technological Abundance

A key tenet of innovation and technology is the premise that we deploy technology at a higher level (more widely and with greater frequency) as it moves from a scarcity to a surplus. I call this Law of Technological Abundance. The classic example I like to use to describe this phenomenon is the case of […]

Digital Changes Everything about Everything

Digital changes everything about everything. That might sound like a grandeous statement that is both obvious and lacks specifics. But as the doors close on CES for the 49th consecutive year I was reminded this week that many (read: most) of us still drastically underestimate the impact digitization is having and will have in the […]

The Cost of Connectivity and ‘Sensor’ization is Approaching Zero

When Apple launched the original iPhone in 2007 one of the innovative features was to embed an accelerometer in it – becoming one of the first to build the technology into a mobile phone. We had been using accelerators before this, in defense and industrial applications or to do things like deploy airbags in vehicles. […]

A Dozen Elements of Mind-blowing Wearables

This morning I moderated a panel on Mind-blowing Wearables at CES. I was joined by an esteemed group of panelists including Ariel Garten, Founder and CEO of IteraXon the producer of Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband, Carmichael Roberts, Co-Founder and Chairman of MC10, and Jeanette Duffy, Deputy Director, Cause Platforms, UNICEF Ventures. I’ve actually known […]

Starting Again

It has been over a year since I last posted anything to this blog. I imagine it isn’t uncommon for many uncommitted bloggers like myself to begin anew shortly after the start of a new year (and new resolutions). Only the coming months (and years) will tell if my determination to blog more frequently will […]

T’was The Night Before Christmas 2014

Art Cashin, UBS Financial Services’ director of floor operations at the NYSE, is a legend on the floor of the Big Board. He’s been on The Street for some 50 years and is well known for his daily newsletter: Cashin’s Comments. Each year he sends out an Annual Christmas Poem in the spirit of T’was the […]

Black Friday at My House

Several years ago my oldest son bought himself an iPad mini. Recently he received his first iPhone and as a result has been using his iPad infrequently. At the same time, my seven-year-old wants to buy an iPad and so his brother offered to sell him his iPad for $250. Over the last two or […]