Of Fathers and Sons…

As a young boy – like most young boys I suppose – I idolized my father. I remember helping take off his boots when he would come home. My favorite color as a young kid was camouflage. Yes, camouflage. I wanted to go to West Point and become an Armour officer just like my dad. […]

The Art of the Handwritten Letter

I’ve recently been trying a new app/service called Bond Gifts. Bond is essentially a gifting portal app with an assortment of curated gifts designed to live at the mid- to high-end. One of the novel gift options – one I haven’t seen elsewhere – is a handwritten letter. Essentially you type your message/letter in the […]

This Week in Sensors

Intel developing pollution “heat maps” enabled by sensors Smartphones may soon be able to detect earthquakes Sensors enable navigation for the blind by next year, nearly all equipment made by GE will be equipped with sensors China’s Oppo to ship the first MEMS based smartphone camera Using iPhones and MEMS sensors as earthquake sensors imaging […]

Will Tech Steal Your Job?

Gartner recently suggested: Unemployment, now at about 8%, will get worse. Occupy Wall Street-type protests will arrive as early as next year as machines increasingly replace middle-class workers in high cost, specialized jobs. In businesses, CIOs in particular, will face quandaries as they confront the social impact of their actions. Will tech steal your job? […]

Catching the Vision of What Tablets Can Represent

A month or two ago I submitted an offer to buy a house. I received the paperwork about an hour before the submission deadline.  Five years ago I would have needed to meet someone in person to sign the required paperwork.  Or possibly I might have been able to receive the paperwork electronically but I […]

An All-Digital World Speeds Commerce

An all-digital world accelerates commerce. As “things” become digital or as physical non-digital things gain a virtual and digital identity the speed at which they can move approaches the speed at which digital things can move. This all results in the speed of commerce for both digital and non-digital things accelerating. In a digital world […]

The Iterative Nature of Technology – Stopping what you Started

With a rapid rate of technological change, comes another technological development. In the digital world that we now live in, it has become common we often create technology to stop other technology from working which in turn spawns additional innovation designed at stopping that technology from working. Wide deployment of home telephony spawned the creation […]