RT’s Restaurant – Alexandria, VA
Earlier this week I knocked another restaurant off my DC Bucket List. RT’s Restaurant – named for the initials of the founder – is now in it’s 28th year and has occupied 3804 Mt Vernon Ave the entire time. I was told that before RT’s opened the location was occupied by another restaurant dating back to […]
A View on Gaming
Yesterday we had a small family celebration in advance of my son’s 10th birthday. As kids are wont to do as they get older, he requested cash. And cash he received. He is apparently saving for an iPad mini – which was news to me. While he is a fervent reader, I’m sure he wants […]
The Future of Tablets
There has been a series of conflicting news in recent weeks. NPD recently announced tablets will outsell notebooks 6 to 1 by 2016. On their current trajectory, tablets will likely outsell desktop PCs this year on a worldwide basis and edge out notebooks by 2014. At the same time, Blackberry’s CEO recently suggested Tablets won’t even […]
Insights from Apple’s (Past) Quarterly Financial Results
Apple released quarterly results for their fiscal third quarter yesterday. While a tremendous amount of ink has been spilled dissecting every ounce of the most recently concluded quarter as well as pontificating about the implications, I thought it worthwhile to look back over the last 15 quarters to see if any insights might be gleaned. Here […]
August is the New September…Which was the New March…
For many tech categories, new models were historically announced at the beginning of the year and then brought to market in the Spring period (March/April). I think some if not all of this timing was driven by the need to sufficiently inventory the supply chain in advance of the holiday season. A few years ago […]
What’s the Answer?
I have three boys quickly learning the art of manipulation. When requesting permission (they are still young enough that they actually do still ask permission) if they don’t get the answer they want they turn to the other parent in hopes of receiving the permission they seek. No surprise – every kid does this. The […]
Fast Gourmet – Washington, DC
I’m sure there is part of me that sublimely wants to be a food critic. Early in my education – after deciding not to purse art school (another story entirely), but before studying economics – I debated heavily about getting a degree in culinary arts. I had just returned from living in the Netherlands where […]
New 2013 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
In 1999 I lived in the Middle East and upon leaving spent several months wandering through Europe. While the Iron Curtain had been down for about a decade, I had wanted to spent time in Eastern Europe before it changed significantly. I was my own modern walkabout. I flew from Israel to Frankfurt and had no real […]
This Week in Sensors
Charge your smartphone by creating electricity through walking Pixie Scientific has developed a diaper to detect possible urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunctions, and dehydration sensors for turning plain surfaces into low-cost touchscreens Wimoto motes – series of $39 sensors for measuring climate, plant growing conditions, moister, motion, etc (CNET and their first and second indiegogo […]
June 2013 Travel Log
Only one trip in June…. 1 trip 2 train stations (Washington DC Union Station (ZWU), New York City Penn Station (ZYP)) 2 trail segments 1 airport – sorta – (KSMQ) 410 or so total rail miles a few flight miles 4 hotel nights I spent the last week of June in New York City for […]