Eating My Way Through DC – the Start of the Bucket List

Frequent travel affords me the opportunity to eat at some great places across the world when I’m on the road.  I’ve always been a sucker for the local dive and will go out of my way for a greasy spool.  I’m quick to order the “house special” and while it has #failed at times, more […]

Access over Ownership

Colin Dixon recently wrote how “in the digital world…rentals outpace sales more than two to one.” Colin posits that access not ownership is the driver behind this dynamic. In the physical world, disk sales are almost double disk rentals in terms of revenue. I would argue it is access not ownership that also drives this dynamic. […]


Having taken a hiatus from travel during the core of baseball season, I’ve found myself booking several future trips over the last few weeks as baseball season comes to a close – even if the travel dates are way off into the future.  I booked my annual ski trip and a Spring 2014 trip the […]

This Week in Sensors

The travel industry adopts biometrics and other sensors Bell Labs Invents Lensless Camera Microsampling Air Pollution – could imagine that air quality could quickly become a major metric in defining real estate valuations Intel creates $100M fund for more ‘human-like’ devices using microphones to measure stress, lung function, and hand gestures among other things Build your […]

Eating My Way Through a City

I love to eat localized cuisine when I’m in a foreign city – and I’ve got my favorite restaurants in several cities I visit frequently.  In fact, some of the restaurants I eat at most frequently are in cities outside of the one I live in. I love farm-to-table type restaurants, but what I really […]

Lessons from Little League: Dealing with Umps & Working With What You’re Given

Little League – like business and life – is imperfect.  Umps in our home league are mostly volunteer umps.  Some of the umps have inconsistent strike zones. The good ones have consistent strike zones and of course the best ones have consistent and tight reasonable strike zones. Bad umps are the toughest because hitters can’t […]

Assorted Links

NHTSA To Launch Four-Year Study Into Self-Driving Car Safety Issues Amazon has opened a 3D printer and supply section first bitcoin baby how YouTube is quietly becoming a sports network US ebook market will surpass US print book market by 2017 according to PWC – I think it will happen by 2015

Lessons from Little League: Learning from Mistakes

A few weeks ago, I wrote my first lessons from little league post on motivation and then my second post on building a team. As I previously mentioned, my life seems to be increasingly immersed in baseball.  While the daily exercises of work and life never slow down, as spring rolls around I somehow figure out […]

Lessons from Little League: Building a Team

After my writing my last post on Lessons from Little League, I happen to catch a similar post on Roger Ehrenberg’s blog.   Clearly he and I are both so immersed in baseball during the season that we tend to relate everything to baseball and baseball to everything around us.  Like Roger, I’ve gained a tremendous […]

This Week in Sensors

I’m not a big Disney fan. We took our three boys to the Magic Kingdom for a single day last year and it was a complete #failure.  They haven’t been indoctrinated into the subculture. Any while my kids showed no interest in “meeting” the characters I recognize that is a bit thing for many kids. […]