Further Confirmation of CEA Holiday Research – Shoppers Pushing Shopping later in the Season

For the last 18 years, CEA has conducted and published a holiday outlook. This research has revealed that overtime consumers are starting (and likely ultimately finishing) their holiday shopping later in the year.  Over time fewer are starting their holiday shopping in September and October and more are beginning in November and December. I credit this shift to shoppers waiting on deals and […]

Boxee Box adds OTA Tuner – Does it Matter?

Gigaom reported that a future Boxee Box upgrade will allow users to access live over-the-air TV programming.  I’m a big fan of Boxee and of the Boxee Box.  The ability to search across different video content services is a key element of what TV needs to be.  As I’ve written about in the past, universal […]

on Square

It was announced yestereday that Richard Branson made a personal investment into the mobile payment technology Square.  I’ve recently been using square and absolutely love it.

Black Friday Predictions

Each year I predict the lowest pricing we’ll see for a variety of tech products during Black Friday.  Last year I predicted we’d see notebook computers selling for as low $299.  In fact Walmart sold a notebook for $198 on Black Friday.  This year I’m predicting the lowest prices we’ll see for notebook computers will be $250 – actually higher than […]

on Amazon’s Digital Book Lending Service

Amazon is now a library – sorta. Last week, Amazon launched the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library which gives Kindle users who own an actual Kindle device (and not just use the Kindle app on other devices) AND are Amazon Prime subscribers access to 5,000+ books they can “borrow.” A few things worth noting: 1) this is probably the first example of a subscription service for digital books.  […]

Signs of a Post-PC Era (Infographic)

Broadband solutions provider Sandvine recently published a report (Global Internet Phenomena Report) showing signs of a post-PC era when it comes to streaming video consumption.  Here is the infographic:

The Value of the SmartTV Landing Pages

The NYTimes reported LG will be offering ads on their SmartTV platform.  A clear sign that search and navigation are where the value lies when it comes to connected TVs.