This Week in Sensors

Implications of the coming of biometric wave Cisco formalizes IoT Division first sensor hub specifically designed for Android running on ARM was demonstrated by Hillcrest Labs Sensity is creating a billion-node network of global sensors — in street lights MEMS Enables Personal Crash Detector

This Week in Sensors

Intel developing pollution “heat maps” enabled by sensors Smartphones may soon be able to detect earthquakes Sensors enable navigation for the blind by next year, nearly all equipment made by GE will be equipped with sensors China’s Oppo to ship the first MEMS based smartphone camera Using iPhones and MEMS sensors as earthquake sensors imaging […]

Catching the Vision of What Tablets Can Represent

A month or two ago I submitted an offer to buy a house. I received the paperwork about an hour before the submission deadline.  Five years ago I would have needed to meet someone in person to sign the required paperwork.  Or possibly I might have been able to receive the paperwork electronically but I […]

The Iterative Nature of Technology – Stopping what you Started

With a rapid rate of technological change, comes another technological development. In the digital world that we now live in, it has become common we often create technology to stop other technology from working which in turn spawns additional innovation designed at stopping that technology from working. Wide deployment of home telephony spawned the creation […]

Historical View of iPhone Pricing

The new iPhones went on sale today.  Since the announcement, much as been written about the two models – and especially the implications for Apple.  I previously reviewed some of the insights gleaned from Apple’s financial statements and wanted to enumerate on that discussion.  As the following charts illustrate, Apple’s reported price for the iPhone […]

A Quick Thought on the Future of UltraHD

Much of the focus on UltraHD to-date has been on resolution.  Even the nomenclature – 4K – is a focus on resolution. I’ve seen dozens are articles written in the popular press that – in attempting to convey UltraHD attributes to the layperson – describe UltraHD in terms of Full HD (ie 1080P). These articles […]

Insights from Apple’s (Past) Quarterly Financial Results

Apple released quarterly results for their fiscal third quarter yesterday.  While a tremendous amount of ink has been spilled dissecting every ounce of the most recently concluded quarter as well as pontificating about the implications, I thought it worthwhile to look back over the last 15 quarters to see if any insights might be gleaned. Here […]

August is the New September…Which was the New March…

For many tech categories, new models were historically announced at the beginning of the year and then brought to market in the Spring period (March/April). I think some if not all of this timing was driven by the need to sufficiently inventory the supply chain in advance of the holiday season. A few years ago […]

This Week in Sensors

  Charge your smartphone by creating electricity through walking Pixie Scientific has developed a diaper to detect possible urinary tract infections, kidney dysfunctions, and dehydration sensors for turning plain surfaces into low-cost touchscreens Wimoto motes – series of $39 sensors for measuring climate, plant growing conditions, moister, motion, etc (CNET and their first and second indiegogo […]

Access over Ownership

Colin Dixon recently wrote how “in the digital world…rentals outpace sales more than two to one.” Colin posits that access not ownership is the driver behind this dynamic. In the physical world, disk sales are almost double disk rentals in terms of revenue. I would argue it is access not ownership that also drives this dynamic. […]