Is Apple Winning the Enterprise?

Good Technology is a privately-held company which offers a mobile solution for corporate and government clients. The core offerings include email, calendar, and secure mobile access to applications and company data.  While the customer base is likely small relative to the entire universe of tablets and smartphones and many end-users are likely bringing personal, mobile tech devices like smartphones and especially tablets into the enterprise directly (ie the consumerization of IT, or CoIT), the companies activations are up 50 percent in the last year.  More, the technology has been deployed with more than half of the Fortune 100 companies.  Each quarter, Good Technology releases a summary of the past quarter’s activation activities so exploring the trends there within can be insightful for understanding some of the trends currently influencing the tablet ecosystem.

Good Technology recently released their Q1 2012 Activation Report.  Here are a few of the highlights:

  1. iOS devices accounted for 80 percent of the activations in 1Q12
  2. the top 6 devices are iOS devices.
  3. iPad (both the new and the old) represent 97 percent of tablet activations in 1Q12
  4. iPads were activated the most in three industries: Financial Services, Business/Professional Services and Life Sciences, with Life Sciences showing disproportionately higher rates of iPad activations when compared to overall device activations
  5. Good released support for Windows Phone 7.5 in April 2012, so activations of Windows Phone devices like the Nokia Lumia might be underrepresented in the Q1 results. Related data will be included in the Q2 2012 activations report


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