Estimating iPad Second Quarter Unit Sales

Through the first three quarters of iPad availability, Apple sold 3.4 million, 4.3 million, and 7.33 million iPads respectively for a total of 15.03 million units through the first nine months.   The estimates for Apple’s second quarter iPad sales are all over the board.  For example, JP Morgan is expecting 5.3 million, RBC Capital is expecting […]

Apple’s AirPlay Remains the Sleeper Hit for 2011

Back in January I wrote that Apple’s AirPlay would drive a renaissance for audio.  Networked audio solutions have been building slowly to a crescendo I believe plays out over the next 24 months.  Of course companies like Sonos and Logitech with their Squeezebox suite of devices left important early footprints while defining the market for networked audio solutions.  Several years ago I spoke with […]

The Revealing Insights of App Downloads and What it Teaches Us about Hardware

What apps are downloaded (or conversely not downloaded) tell us much about a given individual’s tastes and preferences. These metrics in aggregate tell us even more about the desired use-case scenarios of hardware. Last week Apple released their iTunes Rewind 2010 where they highlight the top performing apps for 2010. They did this in 2009, […]

Kindle v. iPad: Value Positions, and Why Selling Hardware on Specs Alone is Dead

        On Monday Amazon premiered a new Kindle commercial during Good Morning America. The ad (above) portrays two individuals trying to read poolside – one on an iPad and one on the new Kindle.  The essence of the commercial touts the relative readability of Kindle’s e-ink display in direct sunlight.     Commentary (for example: here and […]

Rethinking the Context of Connectivity

Last week I spoke at that the Digital Media Conference where I shared some of the following thoughts on connectivity and Internet accessible devices. The number of devices connecting to the Web via cellular, wireless, or wired connections continues to proliferate. But many of these devices frame the value of connection within a historical context. […]