500,000+ Jobs in the App Economy
You can read the entire study here.
On Curation – Wedding Photos
I’ve written numerous times about the growing importance of curation (see Curation and Discovery, The future of Curation, and Context and Curation). Wedding Snap is a service available as an iPhone and Android that curations photos taken around a single event but from multiple devices into a single location.
Why the Future of Tablets Isn’t in Apps
Pudits like to point to apps (and importantly the availability of apps) as the deciding factor in the success (and failure) of tablets and other app-oriented devices. Most developers have the bandwidth to support at most two (and sometimes three) development platforms. The largest app developers – the Pandoras and Kindles of the world – will allocate resources for […]
The Value of Freemium
Some facinating findings in some recently released data from Furry: Games drive 75% of revenue among the top 100 grossing iOS apps and 65% of this revenue were generated from freemium games. The average purchase from within free-to-play mobile game is $14 As the chart shows, 71% of all in-app transactions happing within freemium games are for amounts under $10, 16% are […]
Retail Trends to Watch
The following was published in Dealerscope Magazine in December 2010: The last three years have been a volatile period in the history of consumer electronics. While a recovery is slowly taking shape, I believe the next few years will offer as much change as the in the last year or so. Here are a few […]
Making the Social Graph Linear
John Battelle writes about Color, a new social photo app. Color creates a visual (user-generated photos) public (anyone sharing photos through Color) timeline of any given location (using a proximity algorithm). (It is worth noting Dave Winer suggested the need of a “social camera” four years ago.) Battelle suggests color matters because of location (“colors has the opportunity to be the first breakout application […]
Why Excluding Drunk Driver Apps Might be a Bad Idea…
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and fellow Senators Chuck Schumer, Frank Lautenberg and Tom Udall recently wrote to Apple, Google, and RIMM asking them to exclude apps which allow users to identify, among other things, drunk driving checkpoints. In the request, the Senators write, “we appreciate the technology that has allowed millions of Americans to have information at […]
The Revealing Insights of App Downloads and What it Teaches Us about Hardware
What apps are downloaded (or conversely not downloaded) tell us much about a given individual’s tastes and preferences. These metrics in aggregate tell us even more about the desired use-case scenarios of hardware. Last week Apple released their iTunes Rewind 2010 where they highlight the top performing apps for 2010. They did this in 2009, […]
Rethinking the Context of Connectivity
Last week I spoke at that the Digital Media Conference where I shared some of the following thoughts on connectivity and Internet accessible devices. The number of devices connecting to the Web via cellular, wireless, or wired connections continues to proliferate. But many of these devices frame the value of connection within a historical context. […]
Long-run implications of the Death of Kin: Why Blockbusters must be Blockbusters Quicker
Much has been written about the “death” of Microsoft’s Kin (see: here, here, and here). The focus of these analyses has centered on what might have gone wrong. I’d like to focus on something slightly different. In the death of the Kin phone I think we see something that has greater implications for technology innovation. […]