The Fallacy of the First-Mover Advantage

In a recent article in strategy + business entitled “the Value of Being Second,” Oded Shenkar, author of “Copycats: How Smart Companies Use Imitation to Gain a Strategic Edge,” introduces an excerpt on the wisdom of entering markets after first movers from “The Art of Being Unreasonable: Lessons in Unconventional Thinking,” by Eli Broad. The myth of […]

An Apple Effect Worth Watching

Most technology companies are cognizant of how network effects influence adoption, but fail to adequately stimulate these network effects.  However, a few recent service launches by Apple recognize the influence network effects can have on the uptake of Apple devices.  AirPlay and AirPrint both illustrate Apple’s understanding that the greater the sphere of influence iOS devices can have, the stronger the network effects and therefore the […]

When eReaders grow-up to be Tablets

What happens when eReaders grow up to be tablets? This morphing is already well underway. Barnes & Noble has always referred to the Color Nook as a tablet eReader – with tablet being the operative word. At their event this week. B&N claimed the Color Nook is the top selling android tablet in the market. […]

Yes, believe the hype about the National Debt

Sally Kohn’s recent prose in USA Today was right in spirit, but nowhere else.  Yes, we should worry about innovation.  Yes, the future of the US economy is innovation.  And yes, we should be making strategic investments into innovation.   But it is ludicrous to suggest the national debt discussion is some “ideological attack.” Kohn inaccurately […]

Some Math Behind Electric Vehicles

The following was original published in CE Vision Magazine. You can download the full issue here. The presence of electric vehicles at CES continues to grow with 2011 setting records on multiple fronts. As gas prices rise and show little sign of retreating any time soon, interest in electric vehicles will continue to peak in the […]

On Privacy

I’ve written about Xobni for Outlook in the past, but a recent experience illustrated the role data will play in the future and ultimate implications for privacy.  When it first launched I tried freecycle and several months ago I signed-up again to see how the service had evolved and was progressing.  Because I knew this […]

Rethinking the Context of Connectivity

Last week I spoke at that the Digital Media Conference where I shared some of the following thoughts on connectivity and Internet accessible devices. The number of devices connecting to the Web via cellular, wireless, or wired connections continues to proliferate. But many of these devices frame the value of connection within a historical context. […]