Art Cashin, UBS Financial Services’ director of floor operations at the NYSE, is a legend on the floor of the Big Board. He’s been on The Street for some 50 years and is well known for his daily newsletter: Cashin’s Comments. Each year he sends out an Annual Christmas Poem in the spirit of T’was the Night Before Christmas. Here is Art’s poem from this year. This year I decided to give it a try.
‘twas the night before Christmas
and in every single bed
an activity tracker was busy
trying to count the dreams in our head
2014 was a year to remember
with a few things to cast out
lets look at the highlights
and remember the good things without any doubt
A year for the books
one to celebrate indeed
so take a selfie like Ellen D.
and post to the Web where it will gain great speed
It was a year of change
and a year of hope
and for those living in a few states
it became a year of dope
Flappy Bird was so popular
the creator shut it down
too many were getting addicted
and the game had become too renown
Sony spun off its TV line
and sold its PC biz
if there’s one constant in tech
change is what it is
But somethings change back
as we saw with BlackBerry
like Coke they released a Classic
and threw a Hail Mary
Tablet sales slowed
as wearables took off
we all bought a GoPro
and computers started to rise from their trough
It was a good year for Apple
As they intro’d a new phone
They’re adding a Watch in ‘15
And maybe one day a Drone
We celebrated Tim Cook
And shrugged our shoulders at ‘Bendgate’
A commitment to diversity
Carried much more weight
MH370 went missing
Ebola had us scared
But then everyone gave hugs
As good health was declared
We lost Hoffman and Williams
Who brought us smiles and tears
Memories for all to carry
For many more years
We got hooked on Serial
Which had us all thinking
What happened to that payphone at Best Buy
As our collective hope was sinking
Go Pro went public
Apple Bought Beats
Ice Bucket Challenges took over Facebook
While Furgeson dominated Tweets
The Supreme Court ruled against Aereo
in a 6-3 decision
but when it came to cellphone privacy
there was unanimous vision
Wearables were all the rage during the year
LeapFrog jumped in while others jumped out
Google Glass opened to all
a year of wearable tech beyond any doubt
Google Bought Nest
For a cool $3.2 billion
On our way to connecting devices
we’ll one day measure in the trillions
4K Ultra HD became the talk of the town
dominating holiday buys
breathing new life into TVs
all right before our eyes
Let bygones be bygones
Its soon time to ring in the new year
Forget yesterday’s mistakes
And pull your loved ones near
For 2015 is looking bright
don’t be filled with remorse
Hope for tomorrow
And start the year with full force
Be better than you were in 2014
Give family and lost friends a call
And shout in the streets
A Merry Christmas to All!