Web Technologies – Things to Look for in 2013

Earlier this week, CNET wrote about 5 Web Technologies to Watch in 2013. I completely agree with the 4th one listed: High-res images on the Web. Prevalent at CES next week will be what I’m referring to as “HD Everywhere.” We’ve already seen the resolution on mobile phones increase and we are now seeing that spread up the device hierarchy. Tablets and laptops with higher resolution screens will be on display and of course televisions pushing to Ultra HD 4K resolution – twice the resolution of 1080P HD – will be one of the big stories for the 2013 CES.  Naturally, once these screens become capable of rendering high resolution images users will increasingly want access to high resolution images.  While I don’t think we see a big move to high resolution web images in 2013, this move will naturally follow a growing installed base of high resolution screens.

I’d like to add one additional thought.  The Web is big.  It is blotted.  Most of us can remember searching for things on the Web and receiving back 21 search results. Today the same search returns 21 million search results. Search results are being overrun by what I call Web Debris – information that was once relevant and accurate but now simply floats across the Web.  Web Debris is hindering productivity and efficiency.  Rarely do I search for something today without applying time parameters (last day, last month, last year).  I think narrowing parameters will eventually become standard search criteria. Today Google and others preemptively guess what I’m trying to search for. I imagine the same approach could be taken with narrowing parameters.


Jonathan Turley wrote last week that more surveillance would not