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Deflationary price pressures have definitely been evident in the sensor

Increased rates of digitization are leading to tech design changes

A couple of days ago the Wall Street Journal reported

With the 2014 CES officially behind me, I can finally

A few quick thoughts on the holiday shopping season: November

Sensors are combining with sensor to create sensor arrays. These

Implications of the coming of biometric wave Cisco formalizes IoT

A new Car survey explores consumers willingness to accept

With the recently past U.S. government shutdown I came to

Following successful CES Unveiled events in London, Paris, and Tel

Friday we were in search of some authentic soul food.

It has been a few months since I’ve done a

In 1999 I lived in the Middle East. En route

As a young boy – like most young boys I

I’ve recently been trying a new app/service called Bond Gifts.

Intel developing pollution “heat maps” enabled by sensors Smartphones may

Gartner recently suggested: Unemployment, now at about 8%, will get

A month or two ago I submitted an offer to

An all-digital world accelerates commerce. As “things” become digital or

With a rapid rate of technological change, comes another technological

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