Sizing the Market Opportunity for Connected Wristwatches

I wrote early this month about the features of connected wristwatches. Since this time there has been significant digital ink spilled discussing the connected wristwatch space with a focus on Apple’s potential foray into the market (see: 100 people are working on the Apple watch, Apple’s entry into wearable tech, On the Apple Watch watch, Apple watch that […]

Live, Continuous Testing in Higher Education – How Tech is Changing the Way We Teach

Tech has always had a pronounced impact on how we teach – from prehistoric times of passing on survival skills to Johannes Gutenberg’s 1450 invention of the printing press to the most recent two decade push in online education.  Tech within a classroom continues to change with the advent of teaching aids like smartboards and software solutions […]

What is the Point of Diminishing Returns for TV Screen Sizes?

TV screens continue grow.  According to CEA, the average TV sold in 1997 had a diagonal screen size of just 22 inches.  Today that same figure has ballooned to 36 inches. The average TV screen size is expected to continue to grow for at least the next three years as households opt for larger screen TVs. With […]

Cock and Bowl – Occoquan, Virginia

Over the weekend I ate at Cock and Bowl in Occoquan, Virginia. Occoquan is a quaint town of about 1,000 residents. It houses a variety of small, boutique stores, restaurant choices, and a few ice cream shops. While it has carved out an identity as an artists’ community it blends quickly into the suburban landscape. The […]

Facebook’s Revenue Future

There has been significant talk about Facebook’s revenue future.  Two weeks ago Facebook introduced gift cards consumers can use at retailers like Target and restaurants like Olive Garden (see here and here). Facebook’s CFO, David Ebersman said during the quarterly earnings call in the same week that the long-term potential revenue will remain small for the immediate future. […]

Apple’s declining profitability: Structural or seasonal?

Philip Elmer-DeWitt wrote recently in Fortune about Apple’s declining gross margin. While I think Morgan Stanley’s Katy Huberty makes some great points about the potential of gross margin to increase this year I’d like to add a few additional thoughts.  Ultimately, Apple’s product mix will largely define its gross margin in the years to come. […]

Will Dell Exist the Consumer Computer Business?

Dell announced earlier this week that it was going private in a $24.4 billion deal. The buyout is the largest since Blackstone’s $26 billion takeover of Hilton Hotels in 2007 and will add $15 billion of new debt to Dell. Dell is clearly at a difficult crossroads. In 2005, Dell was the world’s largest maker of PCs […]

The Superbowl’s Second Screen Experience

The Superbowl has come and gone. Leading up to the Superbowl there was a lot written about what the Second Screen approach would be (see here and here and here).  I think alternative second screen approaches – second screen experiences designed by the rightsholder or the distribution network – can be especially effective when the digital […]

The No-Cost Refinancing Myth – A Rebuttal

Over the last 13 years, I’ve refinanced several different mortgages seven or eight times using no-cost refinancing options.  With a traditional no-cost refinance, you take a loan with an interest rate slightly above the current market rate.  In exchange for taking a rate 1/8th to 1/4th higher than you could get in the market at […]