Data Havens

A Tax haven is a essentially a jurisdiction (often a country) that has taxes, tax rates, or other legal structuring that provides a lower total tax burden than other jurisdictions. The ability to lower or remove a give tax burden provides an incentive for  companies or individuals to establish a presence in these jurisdiction in […]

Differentiating Between Technologically Possible and Commercially Viable

Unless you were somehow seemingly off the grid earlier this month, you know the 2014 International CES was held in Las Vegas where some 20,000 new products were launched. The 2014 edition marks the 47th annual CES and at a little over two million net square feet, the 2014 show was also the largest CES […]

Thoughts on the Whitebox Wearable Market

Deflationary price pressures have definitely been evident in the sensor market where motion sensing for example has dropped from over $7 an axis of motion capture in 2005 to around $0.50 an axis of motion capture today. With wearables – and especially with fitness trackers – sensors are a key element of the hardware solution. […]

Transformative Computing

Increased rates of digitization are leading to tech design changes that enable dynamic customization of the user experience. Take for example SwiftKey, an Android app that replaces the default Android keyboard on your device. Swiftkey learns not only what you say and how you say it (including across multiple communication channels like SMS, email, or Twitter), but also […]

The Impact of the Digital Age on Radio Listening

A couple of days ago the Wall Street Journal reported terrestrial radio is playing fewer hit songs more frequently (see Radio’s Answer to Spotify? Less Variety) driven by research showing that “listeners tend to stay tuned when they hear a familiar song, and tune out when they hear music they don’t recognize.” In the same article, […]

Holiday 2013

A few quick thoughts on the holiday shopping season: November 1st marks the officially official opening of the holiday shopping season. This year we saw a tremendous number of promotions kick-off on November 1st. Walmart kicked off its campaign at midnight and Amazon launched its Black Friday Deals Store, offering “Deals of the Day” through Dec. […]

Combining Complex Systems

Sensors are combining with sensor to create sensor arrays. These sensor arrays are combining with computing power to solve complex problems and create complex systems.  The next big step is to combine these complex systems across a wider user experience. This is happening in a real and measurable way in many places, but especially inside […]

This Week in Sensors

Implications of the coming of biometric wave Cisco formalizes IoT Division first sensor hub specifically designed for Android running on ARM was demonstrated by Hillcrest Labs Sensity is creating a billion-node network of global sensors — in street lights MEMS Enables Personal Crash Detector

This Week in Sensors

Intel developing pollution “heat maps” enabled by sensors Smartphones may soon be able to detect earthquakes Sensors enable navigation for the blind by next year, nearly all equipment made by GE will be equipped with sensors China’s Oppo to ship the first MEMS based smartphone camera Using iPhones and MEMS sensors as earthquake sensors imaging […]

Will Tech Steal Your Job?

Gartner recently suggested: Unemployment, now at about 8%, will get worse. Occupy Wall Street-type protests will arrive as early as next year as machines increasingly replace middle-class workers in high cost, specialized jobs. In businesses, CIOs in particular, will face quandaries as they confront the social impact of their actions. Will tech steal your job? […]