Is Monetizing Content Getting Easier or More Difficult?

Is it getting easier or more difficult to monetize content? Conflicting signs abound. For the first time ever, traditional paid TV services experienced a net industry-wide subscriber loss over a four quarter period.  For the 12 months ending March 31, 2013, the 13 biggest U.S. cable, satellite and telco TV providers lost roughly 80,000 subscribers. […]

Is Crowdfunding the Future of Curation for Local Events and other Programming Decisions?

The Smithsonian launched their first major crowdfunding campaign to support it’s first-ever exhibition on the yogic art. Crowdfunding is in many ways simply a way of pre-selling an offering. You can gauge interest before bring a product or service to market.  You can go direct to the consumer and avoid being handicapped by lack of distribution. Moving forward I […]

Assorted Links and Thoughts on Second Screen

Most think of a second screen experience as one narrowly defined around viewing and engaging with content related to what is happening on a different (first) screen at the same time. Just see the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page for “second screen:” Second screen, sometimes also referred to as “companion device” (or “companion apps” […]

Assorted Links

IHS IMS Research predicts Google Glass will sell 50K units in 2012, 124K in 2013, 434,000 in 2014, 2.17 million in 2015, and 6.6 million in 2016.  Forecast seems low in the near-term years and high for the further out years in my opinion. The Ten Commandments of sales from Dan Cole AT&T recently launched their home […]

The Direction of Curation

Several changes are underfoot which could be shifting the direction of curation.  Over the last 24 months major content distribution platforms have been steadily moving towards becoming more curation focused. Curation feels like the natural evolution of content. As companies try to move up the value chain they become more focused on curation. As they seek […]

The Impact of Globalization on Competitiveness within the Consumer Tech Market

The world is truly becoming flat when it comes to consumer tech and that has had (and is having) profound ramifications on the competitive nature of the global marketplace for consumer tech.  The global tastes and preferences of consumers are becoming homogeneous and while some subtleties still exist between geographic markets, these differences are quickly becoming marginalized. Take for example […]

The Value of Mirroring

I’m a fan of  mirroring.  At least I’m a fan of the idea.  I’m not a heavy user. Actually, I don’t really use it at all.  I guess I’m not alone.  According to a recent study from NPD, only about seven percent of tablet or smartphone owners actually use screen sharing technologies. NPD suggests the […]

Sizing the Market Opportunity for Connected Wristwatches

I wrote early this month about the features of connected wristwatches. Since this time there has been significant digital ink spilled discussing the connected wristwatch space with a focus on Apple’s potential foray into the market (see: 100 people are working on the Apple watch, Apple’s entry into wearable tech, On the Apple Watch watch, Apple watch that […]

Live, Continuous Testing in Higher Education – How Tech is Changing the Way We Teach

Tech has always had a pronounced impact on how we teach – from prehistoric times of passing on survival skills to Johannes Gutenberg’s 1450 invention of the printing press to the most recent two decade push in online education.  Tech within a classroom continues to change with the advent of teaching aids like smartboards and software solutions […]

Facebook’s Revenue Future

There has been significant talk about Facebook’s revenue future.  Two weeks ago Facebook introduced gift cards consumers can use at retailers like Target and restaurants like Olive Garden (see here and here). Facebook’s CFO, David Ebersman said during the quarterly earnings call in the same week that the long-term potential revenue will remain small for the immediate future. […]